Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 7, 2013

Cell Phone Apple iPhone 5 16GB Deals & Reviews

Vanessa Rutherford "van the book bandit" (AL USA): I am and always will be an avid supporter of Apple, despite their obscene prices & sometimes annoying level of arrogance in the world of marketing technology. Say what you will about Apple, there is no denying their superiority when it comes to the quality & capabilities of their products. When I picked up my first iphone in 2008 (a 3GS), I fell in love with the simplicity of Apple iOS & just how easy it is to navigate. Since then, I've owned the 4, the 4s, & now the 5. At this point, Needless to say, I'm accustomed to iOS & trying to use phones with other operating systems like Android & Windows gives me the worst headache you could imagine.

Juan Carlos Brioso (MIA): Now down to the dirty side of this review. Yes, I gave the iphone 5 five stars. Why? Because it does everything it claims to do. It has a slightly faster processor, slightly larger screen, & better resolution than its predecessor. The screen quality, imho, is its best asset. I will not judge the quality of the phone by how much it costs like a large percentage of other reviewers, because it is completely irrelevant in making a fair assessment of the phone itself. Besides that fact, it is pretty comparable in price to any other similar smartphone that you would buy outright without a contract. Want an iPhone but don't want to pay half a grand? Get a contract like I did & stop whining.

The Lorax (Southern California): Moving on to the dirty, this will probably be my last iPhone purchase for a while. Why? As I've come to realize with age, shelling out $200 every single year over an upgrade to a phone that has had little to no significant changes is beyond ridiculous. Most do it for the sake of saying they own the latest iPhone. Some do it for the sake of spending money. Either way, My advice would be to not fall into the conformities of society. Buy the 4s or 5 (which are practically the same darn phone) slap an Otter box or other brand of thick protector on it (it'll live longer, trust me) & vow to hold out until Apple steps it up an acceptable amount of notches. And honestly, at this point in their game, I don't see that happening for a while. It's a vicious money cycle with Apple and I'll be the first to say...I will not be buying the inevitable & sure to come: iPhone 5s at the end of the year. Unless it can wash my clothes, cook my dinner, & read me a bedtime story....(-_-)

Warren Sankar "Star One Sound" (N Miami Beach, FL): This is the iOS you know and love. Fundamentally the same, but with new features (Siri, Panoramic Photos, Facetime over 3G) Some people complain that it hasn't changed enough since the first iPhone. It's essentially quite simple, which is the aesthetic that defines Apple. How much has OSX changed in the past 7 years? Not much either. If one wanted to change the style of the icons and fonts, they do have the option to jailbreak. What I like about iOS is that there's only as many menus as there needs to be. With Android you will see redundant menus, and see settings more than once in several menus. Also I was peeved by the back button and the way it serves a different purpose depending on the context. Will pressing it take you back to the apps main menu? Or will it close the app? I dont know! Press it and find out! The fact that they made the iPhone work fundamentally with just the one home button is a feat of itself. Widgets are cool to have, but I always ended up disabling them to conserve battery life and cut down cpu/ram usage. The notification menu, and icon badges suffice for quick indications.

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